Safeguarding at St Peter's
If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Adviser or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay.
Who to contact
If someone is in immediate danger or harm, call 999 and ask for the police.
Further Help

Cheshire East Children’s Services
Office hours 0300 123 5012
Out of hours 0300 123 5022
Cheshire East Adult’s Services
Office hours 0300 123 5010
Out of hours 0300 123 5022
Emergency 999
Non urgent 101
CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection
Tel: 0870 000 3344
ChildLine - Helpline for children
Tel: 0800 1111
Kidscape - UK charity committed to keeping children safe
Tel: 0207 730 3300
NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Tel: 0808 800 5000
Action on Elder Abuse
Tel: 0808 808 8141
StopItNow! - Help for anyone who wants to prevent abuse-including if you are worried about your own actions
Tel: 0808 100 0900
Women’s Aid - Free phone 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Tel: 0808 2000 247